Freyja, Lady, Vanadis

An Introduction to the Goddess

Patricia M. Lafayllve

124 Blz., ISBN 9781598004212     
Outskirts Press, 2006     

An Insightful Look at a Complex Deity

Freyja, Lady, Vanadis: An Introduction to the Goddess examines Freyja, perhaps the best-known goddess of Norse mythology. Using original source material, extant writings, and scholarship the author builds an image of the goddess as she may have appeared to her followers in pre-Christian Northern Europe.
Patricia Lafayllve then uses the knowledge she has compiled to speculate on aspects of modern worship of this complex deity.

Patricia Lafayllve is a long-time student of Viking Age literature, history and mythology. She is currently seeking her Master´s Degree in English. She is a proud member of Two Ravens Kindred, Bjornsal, and The Troth. She lives in Connecticut with her husband and dog. This is her first book.

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